Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Unraveling the Situation

Is your company in chaos?  Do you feel that everything is out of sorts?????  Don't panic, there is a soultion!!!!!  I have created a great concept to help companies unravel any problem they are facing.  The concept is called:  The TEAM Concept.

Target the goal-  When a company is facing numorous "Unraveling situations".  The first approach is not to react to the visible collateral.  A problem is a visible manisfestation of a violation.  The first strategy is to come together and discuss what the goal.  For example, if you are having low morale in the office.  Your target goal would be to create an atmosphere that has high energy and the people are motivated and productive.   

Everyone's input- The next step is that you want everyone's input to get a buy in.  If management comes in and starting changing everything and making demands on everyone, resistance will surface, rather than responsibility.  When people feel they can be apart of the solution, they are more self motivated to follow through. 

Attitude that's positive- We know in any organization, attitude is everything.  Attitudes are very contagious, whether it is negative or positive. An attitude is created by what one believes about the outcome. So, a negative attitude derives from a belief that there is no solution or the solution that's stated will not work.  Creating a postive attitude is developing a belief system that every problem has a possible solution.  

Management-The last step in unraveling any situation is management.  This is key to future stablity in the company. Management has two stages:
Stage one is implementation-This stage is creating a plan of how to implement your solution.

Stage two is oversight-This stage is creating a plan to monitor your progress.

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